Saturday, September 24, 2011

Activity 3 - Mr. Trainer

Mr. Mike Trainer, purchasing director

                I would say yes to the extent that we hoped because I think, it’s the classic situation with any new thing. You cut over and cut of the advantages, you don’t naturally anticipate that you’re going  to have too many difficulties and we have had a lot of difficulties. To start with the machine response time was very very slow to start with, its still not particularlly good at the moment but that was a major stumbling block at the beginning. We also had a way of doing things in terms of allocating material from the warehouse to the plants that was overly complicated. That got us into a problem with stock accuracy hence our stock and our inventory balance weren’t accurate. The information we’re getting out is crap, and we spend a lot of time second guessing the system.

                As a whole there is no reduction within the company. The system wasn’t designed or atleast wasn’t justified , on the basis of losing people. It was really to make us more efficient , which I think in the long term it will. So no people haven’t been displaced by the system. There was another aspect to this which was about changing people and being able to live in this new environment. I guess that has not worked out as expected either. I thinkl out of the plant maybe there are some people who are less keyboard able than opthers and I suspect that some people just trust to other people to do it for them.

                I has happened that forcing responsibility and accountability down the management line, chaning the culture and redistributing power, but I don’t think anybody has come out it with any greater power.. I recognize that Dave’s view was I’m going to take power from those accountants. I’m going to stop them hiding stuff in the bottom draw and all that.

                There have been problems also and the root of these problems is that we have a great difficulty forming teams and teamwork. You know we’ve put a lot of effort as a company into this but we haven’, got there yet. We went through a very good spot when the project was first rolling. Think there was a lot of anticipation and people are trrying to be tolerant but what we’ve got now is a situation where people have begun to say well this rubbish and maybe their patience has run out but the finger pointing is starting. I don’t think they really appreciated the importance of transaction accuracy and timely transaction. I don’t think they appreciated that what other people did, especially  people say in purchasing were totally dependent on the accuracy of the electronic stocks they entered.

                The root of the problem is thatbtraining, discipline and an appreciation by the guys out there that if they don’t do it in a timely fashion they’re cocking purchasing up. There are sufficient people around still thinking in the old way to cause those sorts of problems. Plant managers are very busy people they’ve got a lot on, their supervisors have got a lot on, and it hasn’t been their number one priority.

                Their priority is production , that there is number one priority but in the longer term if you don’t do the transactions timely and accurately you don’t do any production because you haven’t got any bloody raw materials. We’re thinking forward all the time, if something goes wrong down the line we need to know about it. That has been one of the big stumbling blocks. I don’t think we’re alone in this.

Activity 2 -"Case Study"

1.       Opinion about the Information System Development Plan.

 Information System” is an organizational improvement process which is built for organization benefits“. What comes in our mind is that it deals with the pieces of data gathered together which is very important for the whole business process. This data are used for the whole process for the progress of any business related company.

                This type of system can help us gather pieces of data easily than looking or searching for the record somewhere. It could also help us evaluate the progress of our company and for us to make any preventive measures in case a problem arises. Few local companies were still engaged in the old kind of keeping records, and it is by means of recording it on paper and kept by authorize personnel. But that type of keeping the record manually is very critical because you may enter inaccurate data used for your inventory . With the use of information system development plan we could always improve our company. We can access accurate information’s anytime we need it. We can track and evaluate data easily and make some plans on how to develop the business. This type of system will affect the culture of work for the beginners but with successive training it can be easily adopted and it will give us the opportunity to bring changes or development and in able ones company to be competitive and productive one. This will also help the person responsible for the business to evaluate the things that’s lacking for them to their operations or transactions. Information System is an effective way of having common information to avoid confusion to the people on workand it allows us to focus on one objective the company aimed. For example in pharmaceuticals In terms of manufacturing or production of products or any other departments it is very useful because this will be the guide for each department. And hence they were working under one information system and one objective they must practice and developed teamwork for lesser hassles and be more productive. Every individual possess different characteristics and behavior but when it come to working ability each individual must do their part for the improvement of each company. Teamwork can be developed if everyone is willing to listen and understand. Success and prosperity comes next to each efforts and hard works. Information system development plan wont be effective without the cooperation of every individual within the company and with the right cycle and approaches.

The Purpose, Scope and Objectives of the System

The Purpose of the System:
Company Y has always had a “progressive” view on the use of Information Technology. The establishment desires to develop a company- wide system that would essentially and drastically change not only the warehouse department’s classic card based warehouse stock system but the whole Manufacturing, Accounting and Production Information Control Systems. A system that would address the financial planning and operational planning in units, improving not only the transaction process of the department but also the way they would respond to these processes to bring the costs down, allowing them to be more competent in the field.

The Scope: The system is to be used by the accounts department to continually automate repetitive manual processes such as Payroll, Accounts Payable, General Ledger, Financial Modeling and Standard Costing.  It is also to benefit the Warehouse department, changing the usual card stock system, and the whole company even to have common database, thus determining same and accurate inventory counts. Also enabling them to gain more benefits with the following system functions (how it should and can operate).

First, the Master production schedule (MPS), then the Item master data (technical data), Bill of materials (BOM) (technical data), Production resources data (manufacturing technical data), Inventories and orders (inventory control), Purchasing management, Material requirements planning (MRP), Shop floor control (SFC), Capacity planning or capacity requirements planning (CRP), Standard costing (cost control), Cost reporting / management (cost control)

Plan the system thoroughly enabling it:
Ø  To have accurate inventory records
Ø  To have a better control of inventories, thus reducing the working capital for inventory, maintaining the lowest possible.
Ø  To have an improved scheduling, being able to plan manufacturing activities, delivery schedules and purchasing activities.
Ø  To plan the resources more effectively, even maximize the utilization of the human resources.
Ø  To gain productive relationships with suppliers and clients, making sure that products are available for delivery to customers.
Ø  To have an improved design control
Ø To have better quality and quantity control, ensuring materials are available for production and that the company would only manufacture those which are needed.
Ø  To have improved cash flow through quicker deliveries

This Information Systems Development Plan describes the overall plan to be used by an organization for planning or developing systems. The details of the individual iterations will be described in the ISDS. It is a big help for an organization in using ISDS because it defines the deliverables that the project is expected to deliver. In short, it will be a guide or outlined plan for the developers in achieving their organizational plans. Things will be done successfully if you already plan first what will you wanted to be done to your projects. The operations will not ruin in the end if you had your plans. ISDS is a key factor in developing and implementing projects operations.

2.       Comments on Relationship of IS and the Organization.

                   Information is any combination of information technology and people’s activities using technology support operations, management. It also refers to the interaction between people, algorithmic process, data and technology. And information system is an organizational improvement process which are built and rebuilt for organizational benefits.

                Information system provides several advantages to the organization. Electronic communication increases the overall amount of communication within a firm. The most important aspect is that people from the various units of a corporation can interact with each other and this horizontal communication is promoted.

                Information system should have the following factors such as people which consist of system analyst, programmer, business managers and etc. ,equipment such as hardware and software, procedure in which their are business rules and a series of documented actions taken to achieve something, and last is the data in which the unorganized data and figure used to produce information.

                The way information is managed and used is very much a product of the culture and management styles of the organization. Changes in organizational structures and methods of using human resources together with the virtually universal implementation of information technology could have significant effect on the way information is perceived and used by organizations. Current management thinking puts information and cross functional access to information at the core of business operations. An adaptive corporate culture encourages employees to work at their highest achievement level and is able to absorb change. This kind of culture which is thought necessary for long-term growth has characteristics in common with an information culture.

                Information systems are being implemented to gain competitive advantage, the management of these systems and their content are seen as crucial to their effectiveness.

                            3.  Describe the impact of the IS and give your own reflections.       
Information System makes life easy. It has a great impact in organization because it is a way to increase the value of it. It gives assistance to the managers to make timely decisions for planning, directing and controlling the activities for which they are responsible. Information System makes life easy. It has a great impact in organization because it is a way to increase the value of it. It also helps the work easier because with an IS in the company it helps us to manufacture things that we only needed that it helps us plan how to use our materials in manufacturing because at first we don’t know what to do to the resources that we have that is not being use. An IS also ensures that it’s going to reduce our inventory in the company, IS also helps utilizes all our workers so the production will be much better.

                 The Information System in organizations is continuously improving. The use of it has evolved from the automation of structured processes to systems that are truly revolutionary in that they introduce change into fundamental business procedures. Management no longer relies on manual processes and a paper trail to perform everyday transactions. It made the works to be automated resulting to be more productive in terms of production. It increases worked productivity and frees up employees time to spend on value added services. But as the Information System became rampant, it also contributes a negative one. It reduces the number of employees intended to do a desirable tasks, as a result many employees had lost their jobs. It is because of the change of the system from manual to automated, the man labor was being minimized.

 Information System really affects one’s life. Never consider that although it help our works to be more efficient and productive, it also contribute one major problem in our economy like Unemployment  -while information technology may have streamlined the business process it has also created job redundancies, downsizing and outsourcing. This means that a lot of lower and middle level jobs have been done away with causing more people to become unemployed. And also Privacy of a person - though information technology may have made communication quicker, easier and more convenient, it has also bought along privacy issues. From cell phone signal interceptions to email hacking, people are now worried about their once private information becoming public knowledge.

    Suggestions or recommendation negative impact of the IS in the Organization.

JOBLESSNESS- they can’t come to terms with this sort of technology. There are some people who are less keyboard able than others.
GREAT DIFFICULTY FORMING TEAMS AND TEAMWORK- there was a lot of anticipation and people were trying to be tolerant, a situation where people have begun to say well this bloody system is rubbish and maybe their patience has run out but the finger pointing is starting
LACK OF APPRECIATION- electronically they’ve had stocks of things but they don’t exist.
TRAINING DISCIPLINE AND APPRECIATION- it takes time to change people. That has been a major difficulty, getting them to get it up to number one priority something has to be done at the end of every shift.
IMPLEMENTATION DONE INCORRECTLY-the production people are not signed on to what the company were doing, they feel it is something that has been forced on them. They don’t understand what the company wants to do with the system because of that it isn’t working in that area and that’s causing problems at the interface with other departments.
HISTORY AND CULTURE- they have been cowboys, they were out there making the chemicals, everybody else was a hanger-on.its just production culture. It’s history. It’s different now. That’s very difficult to get across to a production man who for all his life, for twenty years, his whole philosophy is to make batches as he can.
Information system could really help a lot it processes by which human beings fashion tools and machines to increase their control and understanding of the material environment. Provides the ideas for technological innovations and that pure research is therefore essential for any significant advancement in industrial civilization is essentially a myth. But above all there are some cases that we could actually gain a lot of harmful effects from this technology though we are really in a computer generation but we should not forget also the older ways on how things come up, which I think more simpler and safer.

                               4. Recommendations such that they can be reduced or avoided.

                Information System has something to do with typing, inputting and even recording data using the computer. From manual to computerize. The problem there it was that not all employers are computer literate. It’s hard for them to start a new task, a new environment and most of all it’s hard for them to adjust quickly. So it takes time for them to train their self and probably it’s really a problem for it takes too much time and effort.
                When you’re new to a job (ignorance of the system) it’s hard for you to cooperate and that’s another problem again. Like in Warehouse when IS is new to them they found difficulties in forming teams (team work). It requires a lot of training and again it’s a waste of time and money.

               The system created a tense between them and the MIS, for MIS thought that it is a competition so they thought that they are better than the new system, that they can create a better and more effective application. Because of that they try to criticize the system and made it all bad.

                The minor departments affect the whole company, for sometimes the minor company is having the incomplete participation of the production department (main department) and the purchasing department will find it difficult to update their own stock.  For instance, the warehouse department cannot properly manage the stocks if the production department did not update their production.

                      5. REFLECTION ON THE Ethical issues relating to the given Information System                            planning and implementation.

                Trainings and seminars are the best way of dealing these problems. Not only training for the jobs (job related), but also a behavior training. Training that could make themselves more flexible.
                With their increasing power and versatility, computers simplify day-to-day life. Unfortunately, as computer use becomes more widespread, so do the opportunities for misuse. New ethical issues also have arisen, such as how to regulate material on the Internet and the World Wide Web. Long-standing issues, such as privacy and freedom of expression, are being reexamined in light of the digital revolution. Individuals, companies, and governments are working to solve these problems through informed conversation, compromise, better computer security, and regulatory legislation. Computers will become more advanced and they will also become easier to use. The technology of interacting with a computer using all of the human senses, will also contribute to better human and computer interfaces.

                Company Y look for MAPICS since the feeling of company Y was that although MAPICS II was perfectly adequate for most of the business in the parent company and also it is really a big help for the company for having interviews of different experts. I think that is really a thumbs up for them.

                I really appreciate on how company Y handles the situation inspite of  all the pressure and the disadvantages that may happen if they utilize information system. And also the interviewees they are really excellent they are really knowledgeable enough in their own field because we can really see it on how they answer every questions precisely. 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Company Y Profile

1. Discuss the In formation System Development Plan- Purpose, Scope and objective. Give your opinion and reflections.
2. Comment on the Relationship of IS and the Organization.
3. Describe the impact of the IS and give your own reflections.
4. Elaborate all the negative impact of the IS  inthe organiztion and give your justified suggestions or recommendations such that they can be reduced or avoided.
5. Giveyour reflections on the ethical issues relating to the given IS planning and implementation.